If someone touches in a way or place that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good.
If someone touches in a way or place that makes you feel uncomfortable, that's no good.
I was really pushing for that saying, but some others didnt like it. Said it was over used.
That was pretty cool, I'm disappointed that near the end the yellow and blue paint didn't explode and make the whole town green. That should've happened, still this is coolio! Keep it up guys!
I always wondered what a human internet hotspot would be like. Animation is a bit rough here and there but this is pretty awesome toon otherwise.
Must've taken ages to do, looks really good! Well done.
The whole thing was made in under 10 weeks (the animation was probably done in closer to 8). I wish I had a bit more time to make it longer, but I'm still very happy with how it came out. I'm glad you enjoyed it!
Love it! Perhaps a bit rough around the edges (for example the background is just a wall) but for what it was, its pretty fantastic.
Perhaps It would be better you uploaded a regular video format for this instead of putting it into an swf.
Thanks for the input! The reason the background is just a wall is partly because I'm trying to set up an overall story that these are monsters I bought online and they live on my desk. I haven't implemented that idea yet, but I wanted the recent videos to reflect that.
I also have this on YouTube, but I made this on here as a SWF so I could imbed links to my other pages at the end of this. I'm not quite sure how to do this on videos on NewGrounds!
Basically Killgore, except with a rabbit... FREAKUN COOL! Well done fellow!
Hoho, Killgore is much more bad ass than Fluffy. I loved that animation, it was superb. But thanks for the compliment! And thank you for the review!
Oh hey! That was actually pretty cool, It began looking like another stick figure fight animation but I'm glad I was wrong about that! :)
Aw man that's a bit depressing. Fantastic animation and decent music though. Well done :3
Then Killgore comes out and murders him! HAHA
Its pretty decent but why does it look like its been compressed? Isn't this a flash movie, not a video?
Looks like you re-rendered everything at a lower definition as if you turned it into a video format and then back into a flash movie. Doesn't look good, I'm sure it could've looked alot better if you compressed it correctly or even just made the backgrounds the only thing you compress (I know alot of the 3D effects are not possible in flash, or maybe they are? Yeah I have no idea actually).
Besides the compression, this is pretty decent animation. Well done!
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Joined on 4/5/13